Marc’s home hospice (April-June 2019) was supported by Hospice of the Fisher Home, an independent nonprofit hospice program based in Amherst. The Fisher Home itself is a quiet, homey nine-bed residence. The Hospice also runs a community program to support the dying and their caregivers in clients’ homes throughout Western Massachusetts. (January-February 2019, the Fisher Home also supported Sabina’s mom’s home hospice. Vicky spent her last week in the Home in North Amherst.)

Dedicated to each person’s right to die with dignity and without pain, the Home’s staff and volunteers provide individualized end-of-life care. For each patient, the Home arranges a team including a doctor, a nurse, a home health aide, a social worker, a spiritual counselor, a bereavement coordinator, and volunteers.
With this collaborative community approach, the Fisher Home cares for patients’ physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs, as well as the needs of their loved ones.
Click here to donate online.